Sunday, October 16, 2005

A Week Without Violence...white flags like two wings

I just returned from an event that launched a Week Without Violence in Salt Lake City. Rev. Sean offered an opening prayer that spoke of love and justice. We heard family members mourn and share stories about children they had lost to domestic violence, and we ended with a candlelight vigil on the steps of the county building.
The image that stayed with me as I walked back to my car was the 5700 small white flags placed in the lawn, that spread out like two giant white wings on either side of me. And in front of me a giant full moon rose above the mountains. When we come together, it does make a difference.

Peace is here now. Every breath is a prayer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm doing my bit. . .

It doesn't hurt if we nip potential violence in the bud by charging those who threaten violence with uttering threats before they have the chance to carry out their threats.

I was protesting injustices and abuses in front of the Unitarian Church of Montreal early in September when a church member threatened me by saying "Come back here next week and I will punch your fucking lights out." After debating whether or not I wanted to wait until the next Sunday to see if he would actually carry out his threat I decided to report it to the police. They went in and found him and I had him charged with uttering threats. haven't seen him since. . .

The following links go to publicly available news reports about a Canadian Unitarian church and it’s intolerant and abusive fundamentalist atheist “humanist” minister. This now retired/resigned UU minister was not guilty of sexual misconduct but committed other serious clergy misconduct which represented a flagrant breach of the UUMA Code of Professional Practices and made a complete mockery of most UU principles. His anti-religious intolerance and related clergy misconduct was, and still is. . . condoned and even effectively endorsed by the Unitarian Church of Montreal, the Canadian Unitarian Council, the UUA under Presidents John Buehrens and William Sinkford and the Ministerial Fellowship Committee under Rev. Diane Miller and others. The Unitarian Church of Montreal is still paying the price for its negligent and effectively complicit non-response to my legitimate grievances.

Just run a Google search on the Unitarian Church of Montreal and Rev. Ray Drennan for more info.

A Google Groups search wouldn’t hurt either. Try “unitarian church”. . .

Other search engines such as may find some web pages that Google doesn’t index very well. . .

My very public “critique” of the Unitarian Church of Montreal and the greater UU religious community’s condoning and effective endorsement of Rev. Ray Drennan’s demeaning and abusive behavior, and of the subsequent injustices and abuses that resulted from the negligent and punitive (towards me that is. . .) responses of the Unitarian Church of Montreal continues.

8:39 PM  
Blogger Robin Edgar said...

When the new moon totally eclipses the sun humanity gets the chance to see these two giant white wings on either side of it. . .

9:56 PM  
Blogger Robin Edgar said...

How about a week without violence for the whole wide world?

I will settle for a day for now. . .

World Day of Conscience

4:37 PM  

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